Who We Are

Established in 2002, Family Health Initiatives is dedicated to best practices that support individuals, families and communities. Partnerships with Family Health Initiatives have proven to be successful in expanding the scope and impact of clinical and community health efforts. We have worked with many nonprofit and public agencies throughout New Jersey and across the country to complete a broad spectrum of projects. Our accomplishments vary in size and scope, from statewide mental health peer counseling initiatives to technical applications that support program implementation and demonstrate the impact of community programs between crisis management, police departments and hospitals. 

Alma staff members standing together in front of a banner.


Our mission is to advance the health of families by designing, disseminating, implementing and evaluating proven practices in community-engaged health promotion.  

Core Values

Family Health Initiatives is a leader in data collection, program management and analysis. Both capable and agile, we meet our clients’ unique needs by employing a variety of tools such as program evaluation, project management, quality assurance, dashboard analytics, survey design and community assessment. By developing evidence-informed strategies, we help our clients build healthier communities through engagement and innovation.

Programs and Partnerships